Keep America Strong


Build a Bright Future

Support Bill and help our land prosper.

Sign the Nomination Petition for Bill

Select this link and enter your information to enable William E. “Bill” Hunter III to be on the ballot for the Primary Election on July 15.

Insure that Bill can work for you in congress to keep America safe and strong and build a better future for all of us.

I will make this link active when I have secured enough signatures on the Nomination Petition to insure that my name will be placed on the July 15 ballot. Please use the link at the left to sign the petition for me.

I am committed to make this a grass-roots campaign and to represent all Arizonans. Your donation will help me provide the representation in congress that you deserve and can depend on.


Join the team and help make things happen

Volunteer for campaign. Check your voting status. Sign, bumper stickers, campaign events.

About Bill

I have lived in southern Arizona for the past eleven years and worked for ten years at the City of Tucson in the water department. My work at Tucson Water provided in-depth understanding of the need for integrated planning for growth and development in our society and environment, as well as, the essential nature of a dependable water supply for southern Arizona. My work has provided opportunities to interface with multiple departments and levels of government within the City of Tucson and Pima County. My forty-three year career has provided numerous opportunities to work with local, state, and federal agencies and to coordinate planning, scheduling, and budgets for simultaneous multi-million dollar projects.

I was born and raised in a rural community in southeastern Idaho. My father was a farmer/rancher and my mother was a teacher. I had the importance of hard work and learning instilled in me from my childhood. My immediate family has been an integral part of all aspects of my life and the dedication I have for my wife of almost fifty years and our eleven children and their families helps inform my thinking and decisions in all aspects of my life.